it's been a while
since i have posted...
to say that life has
been challenging is
a way understatement..
when things are amiss in my
life ...i i feel so scattered and
can't quite get myself together...
lots of hurts and disappointments....
lots of people turning the other way
when they could be of comfort...
i am trying to work my way thru
all that but it is tough....
don't mean to *dump* it all here..
but i guess that that is what
blogland is all about ...
the good the bad and the ugly...
we added a new bathroom
to the back of 9 rowland...
i actually love it...
did a few minor renovations in
the kitchen too...love that also...
still in all..when a heart is broken
into a bazillion little pieces...the joy
doesn't hang around long....
i have had so many changes in my
life this past year or so...it is sometimes
hard to catch my breath...
those that i wished had come along
for the ride chose not to....
that smarts...
well...on a good note..it is bright
and sunshiney today and i will
do my best to enjoy the moments
i can...
hope you have sunshine with you today...
thanks and love to you all...
stay well....