Related Posts with Thumbnails

pure love....

the littles

the littles
love times two...shelby and lukie

the path

you cannot travel
on the path
you become
the path itself
- buddha




"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

Monday, May 30, 2011

happy memorial day...

happy memorial day blogettes...

it's been a beautiful weekend
for all the picnic-ers
this weekend..

until today..that is!

doppler was *off* yet
again...rain and thunder
and humid for now... we say weekly..
it is what it is...

seeing the weather was so
nice up until today..
we had thought..
gee..maybe the pool
would be great..

but then we remembered..

the winter storms 
toppled it..
and paradis pool
hasn't gotten 
to replace

it is what it is...

as always..
thanks for taking
journey with me...

it makes it so
much more
pleasant having
you by my side..

be sure to keep 
love and sunshine
in your hearts
today and always...

be well...


Monday, May 23, 2011

feeling like the weather...

'evening blogettes...

it was really pretty
and feeling like
the other day
here at 9 rowland...
and i felt
the same

the wisteria vine
like a heart..
to me..


mrs. dalleywater's
just about...

but today...
VERY cold...

i am feeling 
just like it..

puffy eyes...
painful ear..

thinking it is
yet another
sinus infection 
in the

oh well..

as we say 
every wednesday night...

it is what it is...

as always..
thanks for taking
the journey
with me...

be sure to keep
love and sunshine
in your
today and always...

be well....


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

copied from a blog my dana sent me...

'morning blogettes...

i am going to read and re-read
this daily until it gets into my

maybe someone here will benefit
from it also...

hope so...

“Life is messy. Accept this. It's okay to have a plan, just don’t focus on it. Things aren't likely to go according to plan. Focus on what you need to do next, right now. Pay attention to what has real value for you at the level of your body-heart-self- the people, places, activities and practises that help you feel truly alive, that support your ability to be present and kind. If there’s something calling to you, turn toward it and start walking. It may not lead where you think it will, but make a place in all of the wonderful chaos of life to listen deeply to the voice at the center of your being and pay attention to what it tells you.

Life is short and messy. Don’t postpone living until life gets neater or easier or less frantic or more enlightened. There’s a “catch” to the popular admonishment to “live in the Now.” It’s that the only way to be in the Now is to be Here, in the life and the body you have, and in the world we share, right now (not with the body or the world we hope to someday have or imagine we used to have.) This is it. And it will change. Choose life in all the small ways you can, every day.”

here's the blog it is from...
the green bough...

as always...
thanks for taking
the journey
with me...

be sure to keep that 
love and sunshine 
in your hearts
today and always...

be well...


Monday, May 16, 2011

my take...

'afternoon blogettes...

a little bit ago ..
i was perusing 
blogland and came
tutorial for a sheet music

i enlisted the help
of newly retired
mr b ...and here
are the results...

and mr b!!...

as always ..

thanks for taking
the journey with me..

be sure to keep
that love and sunshine
in your hearts 

be well....


Sunday, May 15, 2011

while the gettin's good.....

afternoon blogettes...

i figured i would
post again while
the gettin's good
around here at 
9 rowland...

took some pics
of spring cropping
up around 
*aching acres*..
term lovingly stolen
from my mrs dalleywater...

the wisteria is just starting...

the broom plant from dana
for mother's day is just about
ready to burst...

beach rose is lush and lovely...

my roadside find from last year
is all gussied up...

st therese' got a little weathered
but i just love her any way at all...

the ducks like the little flags
that are keeping them

iron chair welcomes all...

my two seater is in need
of a new roof....was hoping
for copper but *way* too i am thinking
weathered copper aluminum..

will keep you all updated as
to the progress...

as always...
thanks for taking
journey w/me...

be sure to keep
that love and sunshine
in your hearts
today and always...

be well....


Saturday, May 14, 2011

it's been like...forever...

'morning blogettes...

i have been yet again MIA
for physical reasons 
which then affect my
*umph*...if you get my

but thought i would
stop by to say hi
and hope that all of you
are well...

i have gotten out then
and again and had some
fun w/the littles....

no matter what..
they sure bring
a smile to my

both the BIG littles
and the LITTLE littles...

as always...
thanks for taking
journey with me..

hope it won't be too long
til i am back again...

in the meantime..
be sure to keep
that love and sunshine
in your hearts....
today and always...

be well..
