there is another little part of my
life that i would like to share w/you...
earlier posts...
several years before i opened fannie rose..
i had another errand business..
i started this on a whim as i did fannie rose..
hey..what can i tell you? just the way i
do things....
i had no clue what to call this errand
business of by sue?...
hmmm...thought better of that one after
i had it in the ad in the paper...
while leaving a friend after having
a lovely lunch together...i said...*better
hurry..i have a lot of running around to
do*...and, then the light bulb went off
in my mind....being a product of the
50s/60s...the song runaround sue...
came to mind and the name of my
new business was decided then and there...
i had hoped to get a lot of work from
the yuppies at the life
would have it...the bottom started to
fall out of the financial market and the
yuppies were no where to be found...
i did have clients but most were elderly
and/or handicapped......
i learned a lot of life lessons from my
tenacity... when the client lived on the
top floor of an elderly complex and i
had to walk as i am petrified of elevators...
kindness...when my client was an elderly
mentally challenged gentleman who clapped
his hands together whenever we would be
in each other's company...telling me i was his best friend ever.....
thankfulness...when my client was a handicapped
middle aged woman who had no one but me
in her life to help her out....
loyalty...when my client was an elderly woman
who lived above a funeral home because that was
the only rent that would take her with her beloved
little kitty....
living life to the fullest and that you don't
have to get old just because you age...
when my client was a very wonderful
young 88 year old who taught me a lot
about life and love.....
when this last client passed away...she
left myself and my family with lots of
wonderful memories and some beautiful
things to are some of them...
a magnificent watercolor that belonged to her grandmother.....
this beautiful reverse painting on glass that was also a family heirloom....
a self portrait of the new hampshire artist ..e wood perry..that she purchased in a
*junk* shoppe in new hampshire while summering there.....
this lovely marble topped piece with carved handles purchased from a local antiques
dealer shortly before she passed away....
grandfather's clock with the case that was made by her late husband....

her grandmother's frame w/a picture of her mother...bertha....

and, last but certainly not least........catherine d......
i love her
i love her
and miss her to this day......
thanks for taking this journey w/me....
it's fun to remember love laughter and friendship....
be well...
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